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The most profound and impactful journey of our lives

A platform for Professionals and for those who would like to learn more about the impact of birth on the trajectory of one's life

understand the importance of your own birth story

We will help you understand and explore the dynamics, impacts and patterning of your own birth
We provide content which will support those who would like to connect to their own birth story - experts in the field of pre and perinatal health, embryology, and within various modalities to assist exploration into the earliest layers of your experience

Develop your practitioner skills 

We will help you unlock your inner potential, so you can excel in your professional field
High quality online education for birth professionals provided by world renowned experts in their field - a mine of information ranging from pre-conception to the fourth trimester and early parenting.
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Live Classes and learning library

Bite size content with expert teachers, access our comprehensive library of teaching to learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace
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In Depth Courses and trainings

Live interactive courses and practitioner trainings that allow you to develop deeper skills, expertise and self awareness

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We provide mentorship groups by leading practitioners in their field
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The Healing Effects of Crying, Raging (and Laughter)

Live Class with Rebecca Sheikh
Monday, 15 April  2024 at 19h - 20h UK time

The focus of this class will be on creating emotional safety and facilitating children's spontaneous stress-release mechanisms of mainly crying and raging but also laughter.
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C-section Births

Mentorship Group with Karlton Terry
Thursday, 18 April  2024 at 19h - 20h 30 UK time

In this class, Karlton discusses the short-term and long-term implications of C-section imprints on the psyche of a baby, and how consequences from C-sections births can complicate the social dynamics in the family.
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Becoming ever more Human

Work with The Otherworld

Mentorship Group with Mia Kalef
Monday, 13 May  2024 at 17h - 18h30 UK time

Join Mia for an overview of “Otherworldy” phenomena commonly experienced in deep relational work.
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A Vital Tissue Issue

Live Class with Andrea Boyd
Monday, 27 May  2024 at 19h - 20h UK time

In this presentation US based birth and postpartum doula Andrea Boyd will discuss some history of circumcision, the surgical procedure and why and how it is performed, the main reasons parents give for agreeing to it and the implications on the child’s health and sexuality.
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