class catalogue

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A library of recorded classes and talks with to support your learning and personal development.


Live Online Classes

The Healing Effects of Crying, Raging (and Laughter)

Live Class with Rebecca Sheikh 
Monday, 15 April  2024 at 19h - 20h UK time

The focus of this class will be on creating emotional safety and facilitating children's spontaneous stress-release mechanisms of mainly crying and raging but also laughter.
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Infant colic and the Microbiome-Gut-Brain

Practical Considerations for the Integrative Practitioner

Live Class with Belén Vasquez
Monday, 1 July  2024 at 19h - 20h UK time

In this talk, Belén shares current evidence of the role of the infant’s gut on the onset of colic as well as influencing factors during this formative period.
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