
Soul Approaches for Early Stages of Life

with Nina Ketscher
Working with mums and babies on the gentle level of the ‘soul’ can be surprisingly powerful. Conscious soul-to-soul connections create a field in which energies can be brought into balance, stress reduced and healing and well-being promoted.

Nina Ketscher is a Holistic Integrative Therapist who brings together psychology and ancient wisdoms to support early whole beginnings, and wholeness at all stages of human development.
In this class, Nina shares from her work with families in the context of a Functional and Integrative Paediatric Clinic and the support provided there for healthy conception, pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

You will learn what Soul Approaches are and how you can weave them into your practice to honour the unique being of each soul as an essential component for being truly and fully seen, heard, and held on all levels; body, mind, heart and soul.
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  • Intermediate
  • Experiential
  • Practical application
  • To support your client
  • 90 minute class
  • life-long access to recording

Learning outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of what Soul Approaches are
  • Learn how to establish soul-to-soul connections
  • Learn how weave this aspect into any practice

who can this benefit

  • Anyone working with mums and babies
  • Anyone with a personal interest in a holistic approach to pregnancy, birth and beyond
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Nina ketscher

Clinical And Somatic Psychologist