LIVE Class


A Vital Tissue Issue

with Andrea Boyd
In a number of Western countries, especially the United States, an antiquated practice referred to as “circumcision” is still performed on a varying percentage of baby boys.

This removal of healthy tissue affects the child, the parents, the future sexual partners, and society at large.
In this presentation US based birth and postpartum doula Andrea Boyd discusses some history of circumcision, the surgical procedure and why and how it is performed, the main reasons parents give for agreeing to it and the implications on the child’s health and sexuality.

You will learn what questions parents can ask themselves and where to find educational material, what care providers responsibilities are and where the connectivity to violence and trauma lies.
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  • Beginner/Intermediate
  • Power Point Presentation
  • To support parents
  • 60 minute class
  • life-long access to recording

Learning outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of the practice of circumcision
  • Find out what impact this has on a baby's life
  • Learn about ways of supporting parents who are facing circumcision of their child

who can this benefit

  • Practitioners working with babies and their families
  • Anyone interested in the phenomenon of circumcision of baby boys
  • Parents
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Spiritual Teacher, Birth & Postpartum Doula, Author and Mother