live workshop

Birth journey


birth part 1

With Nir Esterman
Sunday, 8 September 2024 15h - 18h30 UK time

Constellation Work for the Integration of the Early Stages of our Lives - Birth I

In this workshop, we will work with the ‘in utero’ part of birth. During this phase we were exposed to our mother’s contractions and we had to travel down the birth canal, rotating into the position in which we would enter the world.

The compressional forces the baby is exposed to during birth are considerable and both mother and child can undergo high levels of stress depending on the situation. A myriad of aspects will leave their traces in our system. Were we born at home or in the hospital? Did everything go well or was medical intervention required?

Although we have no conscious memory of any if the above, Constellation Work allows us to let come to the surface what wants to be healed from the time of our birth.

This live workshop will be recorded. The recordings will be made available to those who signed up within 24 hours.

constellation work

Systemic or Constellation Work is based on the Family Constellation approach developed by Bert Hellinger. It is a method for revealing and healing the relationship dynamics within any kind of personal, family or group system.

In the context of pre- and perinatal work, constellation work allows us to tap into the unconscious energetic pattering and imprints that we still carry in us from the very beginning of our lives, from conception to birth. It supports us in acknowledging what happened there and restoring our energetic or soul-level bodies to a more connected, ordered and whole state of being.

During a constellation, we hold space for ourselves and the other participants. Together, we connect and bring to life what was in a way that supports what can be. Constellations offer a deep, often transformative healing movement of reconciliation that takes us closer to our potential for a vital and present life.

What comes up in a constellation is based on the imprints that are left of what happened to us and to previous generations in our family system. During the constellation process, we learn to acknowledge the perspectives of all involved and add resources where needed so that integration and closure become possible.

Nir Esterman

Nir is a teacher and facilitator of Family/Systemic Constellations and Embodied Shadow Work. He is the developer of the Shadow Constellations approach.

Nir works with groups and individuals across the world and presents in international conferences.

Birth journey constellation series

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Why this course?
  • Entry/intermediate level
  • Experiential
  • Practical Exercises
  • Q and A with presenter
  • Life long access to recordings

who can this benefit

  • anyone interested in constellation work in the context of pre- and perinatal psychology

learning outcomes

  • gaining a personal experience of systemic or constellation work around pre- and perinatal topics

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