cancel or change your membership

If you would like to cancel your membership, you can do so by logging in to Ourbirthjourney and under 'Me' - 'Account', you will find the cancellation button.  Cancellations are accepted any time and are immediate. Here, you can also change your membership type if you wish.

Bronze membership

Billed every month
  • Unlimited Access to Live Classes
  • Unlimited Access to Extensive Class Library
  • 20% off Courses, Workshops and Trainings

silver membership

Billed every month
  • Unlimited Access to Live Classes
  • Unlimited Access to Extensive Class Library
  • Access to Monthly Mentorship Groups
  • 20% off Courses, Workshops and Trainings

gold membership

Billed every 12 months
  • Unlimited Access to Live Classes
  • Unlimited Access to Extensive Class Library
  • Access to Monthly Mentorship Groups
  • 20% off Courses, Workshops and Trainings

Control how you learn & progress

Private Learning

A complete learning catalogue so that you can learn anytime and anywhere

Expert teachers

Learn from the world's best teachers in the field of birth


Connect with your fellow learners to stimulate learning and growth

Live interaction

Interactive live sessions with our Teachers