meet Jane Evans


Jane Evans trained as a Nurse and a Midwife in the United Kingdom and has now retired having been a Midwife in clinical practice for over 40 years. Her practice was mainly community based, supporting women having home births.

Jane worked within the UK National Health Service for twenty years and has worked independently since 1991.

She has developed extensive experience in helping women birth twins and babies presenting by the breech.

Jane is the author of the AIMS booklet, ‘Breech Birth, What are my options?’ and has published various articles in the Midwifery press.

She has lectured nationally and internationally and ran ‘A Day at the Breech’ workshops with Mary Cronk and Brenda van der Kooy

She has a particular interest in increasing the knowledge and awareness of basic Midwifery skills throughout the profession.

Jane is the mother of four grown up children and has three grand-daughters, one of whom was born breech presentation and one grandson, all born at home.

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