meet Jacqui Ellis


Jacqui describes herself as a Developmental Trauma Specialist working intuitively to help and support children, parents and families understand how their earliest experiences are still impacting their lives today. She believes that this knowledge helps all to come into deeper relationship with themselves and each other, thus creating greater harmony in family life.

Qualifying as a Reflex Integration/Neuro-Developmental Practitioner (2010) and becoming a Licentiate with INPP, Jacqui then trained and qualified in with Franklyn Sills / Karuna in 2016. Practicing these two modalities led to a deep interest in pre and perinatal psychology and how our womb journey and birth process can leave us with imprints that can impact us for the rest of our lives. She has since delved into her own pre and perinatal exploratory journey and further qualified as an Integrative Baby Therapist (IBT) (Conscious Embodiment Trainings / Matthew Appleton) and a Birth Mask Reveal Practitioner (BMR) with Karlton Terry.

Mum and parent to three amazing humans who have all completed the INPP Developmental Movement Programme, Jacqui is also an identical twin and womb survivor who is a country girl at heart, having been brought up on a farm in Devon.

learn with Jacqui