in depth course

World Ecology is Womb Ecology

Introduction to
Pre and Perinatal

With Thomas Verny

We know today that the interaction between parents and the unborn child and also between the unborn child and the world begins well before birth.

Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology is the pioneering field of science that explores how our earliest experiences, from conception to infancy, can have lifelong effects on our self-image, our perceptions, our behaviour and relationship patterns as well as our health.
In this course, psychiatrist and author Dr. Thomas R. Verny shows that life does not begin at birth but at conception, the fact that genes are not our destiny and the importance of prenatal communication that facilitates prenatal bonding and attachment.

It is one of the fundamental objectives of Pre and Perinatal Psychology to expand the concept of ecology to include the protection and preservation of the sanctity of the amniotic universe. World ecology must encompass womb ecology.
With the aid of PowerPoint slides, Dr. Verny reviews the evidence to document that unborn children and newborns have capabilities far beyond what they were believed to possess in the past.

With the advances in PPP, unborn children are no longer seen as functioning on a purely vegetative level but rather of being capable of sensing, feeling, thinking and remembering.

Thomas Verny

Click for full bio

course overview

This course reviews the evidence to document that unborn children and newborns have capabilities far beyond what they were believed to possess in the past. Thanks to the advances in Pre- and Perinatal Psychology, unborn children are no longer seen as functioning on a purely vegetative level but rather of being capable of sensing, feeling, thinking and remembering.

An in depth discussion of the following topics:

  • Foundational Concepts
  • Historical Perspective
  • Windows into the Womb, how do we study the unborn child
  • Fetal and Newborn Pain
  • Genetics and Epigenetics, the importance of the environment
  • Pre and Perinatal Origins of Adult Diseases
  • Prenatal Communication, Attachment and Bonding
  • Birth and Personality
  • Engaged Parenting

Free introduction

In this 30 minute interview, Dr. Thomas Verny gives us an overview of this course.

Why this course?
  • Entry level
  • Experiential
  • 3 classes
  • Q and A with presenter
  • Life long access to recordings
  • 1 Certification

who can this benefit

  • This course can benefit health professionals such as doulas, midwives, nurses, obstetricians, psychologists, counsellors, pediatricians, child or adult psychiatrists as well as others interested in early child development.

learning outcomes

  • Learn about the cognitive abilities of unborn children
  • Appreciate the importance to the future health of the unborn child of maternal emotions
  • Understand the role epigenetics play in fetal development
  • Gain an insight into the impact birthing practices such as C-section have on personality


One of payment
Includes :
  • Access to live course
  • Life long access to recordings

course & Gold Membership

Billed annually
Includes :
  • access to live course
  • lifelong access to recordings
  • Access to all our Live and Recorded classes for 1 year
  • Access to All Monthly Support Groups with Karlton Terry and Mia Kalef for 1 year
  • 20% discount on all other courses