in depth course


Prevention and Treatment of Birth Trauma That Includes The Baby

With Kate White

I have developed a model for treating birth trauma in families based on trauma-informed approaches and autonomic nervous system skills.

This three-part series will present information about birth trauma for birthing parents, babies and staff, skills to prevent and heal that include neuroscience, prenatal and perinatal somatics, and trauma healing, and specific tools for practitioners to support optimal health in the earliest layers of our experience.

Kate white
Kate White is a craniosacral and massage therapist, prenatal and early childhood educator. All her therapeutic work and classes arise out of her work as a somatic therapist, where she is passionate about the brain and mind-body medicine.

Course overview

This course offers powerpoint information, case relational and somatic exercises for participants to improve outcomes for birthing families.

  • Overview of birth trauma with definitions and statistics, and why healing birth trauma right away is important for lifelong health of the baby and family.
  • Additional information about conditions and patterns that are impacting birthing families, mostly in the US.
  • Granulated descriptions of what happens for birthing parents, babies and staff from a prenatal and perinatal somatic perspective (the sequence).
  • Descriptions of a few prenatal and perinatal somatic patterns from birth interventions
  • Exploration of prenatal and perinatal somatic tools.
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watch full introduction here


Free Introduction

In this introduction, Kate introduces the themes of the course.
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Class one

Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Me? Prevention and Healing of Birth Trauma Overview

  • This first lecture will introduce patterns, skills and tools for the practitioner that will be presented in the final two lectures.
  • It will present maps of the nervous system, polyvagal skills, and neurosequential understanding so that the practitioner has a grasp of the layers of experience for babies, families and staff.
  • Final messages will be pathways of hope and training in different settings for audience members.
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Class two

Broadening Horizons for Understanding Birth Trauma The Sequence for Babies, Parents and Staff

  • This presentation will name layers of experience, simply around the birth process. It is not easy, but it can be laid out clearly.
  • Practitioners will be invited to track themselves while listening.
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Class Three

A Taste of Prenatal and Perinatal Somatic Tools to Prevent and Heal Birth Trauma
It’s A Seek and Restore Mission

  • We have discovered that birthing parents get better almost immediately with the tools that we use when addressing birth trauma. Many women are confused and blame themselves for what happened at their difficult births. No one is there naming what is happening for them and the baby, and most likely birth practitioners will not make repair because the liability is too high.
  • The practitioner’s job is to restore the health to the system by helping traumatic experiences integrate. You help families and staff make sense of what happened while not retraumatizing.
  • A list of tools will be named, experiences and case examples will be provided as time allows.
  • Entry Level
  • Powerpoint
  • Theoretical
  • To support your client
  • 3 x 90 minute class
  • Life-long access to recordings

Learning outcomes

  • Gain a deeper understanding of pre and perinatal impact and the importance and relevance of applying this awareness when working clients.

who can this benefit

  • Practitioners who would like to begin to integrate pre and perinatal healing in their work with clients.
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    Includes :
    • Access to live course
    • Life long access to recordings

    course & Gold Membership

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    Includes :
    • access to live course
    • lifelong access to recordings
    • Access to all our Live and Recorded classes for 1 year
    • Access to All Monthly Support Groups with Karlton Terry and Mia Kalef for 1 year
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