Three part course

the relational baby

With Matthew Appleton
Drawing from more than 20 years of working with babies and their families, Matthew explores the relation expectations and needs of babies from conception to the end of the first year.

This formative period sets in place the essential foundations that support our ongoing health and foundation for the rest of our lives.

This course looks at how best to respond to the relational cues from babies, so as to create optimal benefits for their future.
In this three part course, Matthew presents an overview of how the cultural framework of Western culture does not support the relational expectations and needs of babies and how we can begin to remedy this.

Each module will include a gentle embodied exploration of the themes being discussed and will provide:

  • A deeper empathy for the relational needs of prenates and babies
  • Tools to support prenates and babies in the therapy room
  • Tools to help parents connect relationally with themselves and their babies


class one

60 minutes


Drawing from clinical practice and research in the field of pre and perinatal psychology we shift our focus from the cultural lens of the prenate as a biological ‘object’ to that of a relational ‘subject’.

We look at ways to deepen the relational connection between parents and their unborn child. This includes becoming more aware of different states of consciousness, the role of dreams and intuition, and embodied mindfulness.

class two

60 minutes


Birth is a relational process in which babies play an active role. The birth process occurs within a larger relational dynamic. Babies bring both archetypal expectations and their pre-existing womb experience to the birth process.

  • In this class, we explore how babies work together with their mothers during birth and how that relationship can be maximized to support the baby and mother.
  • We look at how modern birthing methods often undermine this relational process and what can be done to counter these negative impacts.

class three

60 minutes

the first year of life

Human babies are born far more immature than other mammals. This leaves them especially vulnerable and dependent on relational attunement to their needs, so as to feel safe in the world.

  • We explore how recent developments in the field of interpersonal neurobiology inform us as to what babies need and how we can meet these needs.
  • We also look at how many common myths about who babies are undermine their basic needs and how we can support parents to attune more effectively with their babies.

Why this course?
  • Entry/intermediate level
  • Three 60 minute lessons
  • Power Point Presentations
  • Practical Exercises
  • Q and A with presenter
  • Life long access to recordings

who can this benefit

  • practitioners working with pregnant and new mums and parents
  • new parents
  • anyone wishing to support new mums and families

learning outcomes

  • Understand the relational connection between parents and their unborn child
  • Gain an insight into how babies bring archetypal expectations and their pre-existing womb experience to the birth process
  • Learn how to support the relationship between infant and mother/parents
  • Find out about recent developments in the field of interpersonal neurobiology and pre- and perinatal psychology

join course

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Includes :
  • Access to live course
  • Life  long access to recordings

course & Gold Membership

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Includes :
  • access to live course
  • life long access to recordings
  • Access to all our Live and Recorded classes for 1 year
  • Access to Monthly Support Groups
  • 20% discount on all other courses