in depth course



With Kate White

Pregnancy and childbirth are threshold moments in anyone’s life. With current trends in human development accepting how transgenerational and intergenerational trauma, in utero conditions and stress may impact the developing baby and the mother’s pregnancy, preconception preparation is the optimal place in the pregnancy to introduce prevention and healing.

Practitioners can help adults find how their ancestral and early histories play a role in their health, especially in preparation for becoming parents. This short course will provide evidence-based tools, practices, and therapeutic ways to be with women and couples as they navigate their way toward becoming a family.

Kate white
Kate White is a craniosacral and massage therapist, prenatal and early childhood educator. Her work is based on research showing that the way parents are with their children affects the neural pathways and perception of the child.

course overview

This series of three one-hour lessons will:

  • Define and identify three distinct patterns for practitioners to be aware of when supporting women and/or couples who want to become pregnant or who are pregnant: Angels, Ghosts and Echoes in the person’s/couple’s history.
  • Describe therapeutic approaches any practitioner may use when supporting birthing parents, especially preconception. These patterns are linked to transgenerational and intergenerational and early history.

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watch full introduction here


Free Introduction

In this introduction, Kate introduces the themes of the course.
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Class one

A Twinkle in the Eye

The first lesson of the preconception preparation trilogy outlines a blueprint of practices and trauma-sensitive intake tools for the prenatal and perinatal practitioner. Here, you will learn about:
  • meeting your client with welcome and creating a sense of safety
  • elements which support principles practiced in prenatal and perinatal somatic psychology
  • nine distinct positive experiences and evidence-based tools for resources to explore birth stories from the families of each potential parent
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Class two

Trauma Sensitive Intake as the Map to the Client Territory

There is a map of the autonomic nervous system that most trauma-informed perinatal professionals are aware of defined by the polyvagal theory. This session covers:

  • the map based on the window of presence, stress and threat responses
  • recognition of the Leading Edge or a therapeutic window that supports healing, addressing the trauma and finding the resource or the Blueprint
  • the importance of recognizing complications and minimizing their impact on the neuro-development of the baby
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Class Three

Weaving a tapestry

This final lesson combines the elements of the first two parts of the course and provides you with:

  • a set of tools that enable the practitioner to optimally support birthing parents
  • the ability to address what we now know, help prevent traumas, and catch families should an overwhelming experience occur
  • the means to help families make sense of their experiences, and then support them to thrive as they move forward as a family
  • Entry Level
  • Powerpoint
  • Theoretical
  • To support your client
  • 3 x 60 minute class
  • Life-long access to recordings

Learning outcomes

  • Learn a basis of pre and perinatal psychology
  • Gain tools to begin to integrate this work with your clients

who can this benefit

  • Birth practitioners who would like to begin to integrate pre and perinatal healing in their work with clients


One off payment
Includes :
  • access to this course
  • Life long access to course recordings

course & Gold Membership

Billed Annually
Includes :
  • access to this course
  • lifelong access to course recordings
  • Access to all our Live and Recorded classes for 1 year
  • Access to All Monthly Support Groups with Karlton Terry and Mia Kalef for 1 year
  • 20% discount on all other courses