in depth course

Meeting little ones

from the heart

With Cherionna Menzam-Sills

Each of us has remnants of the little one that we were within us.
Where these little ones did not experience the safe, reflective holding field they needed back then, we continue to seek this in our relationships.
Our encounters with babies in our work, our families or elsewhere in our lives may remind us of what we needed back then.

Cherionna Menzam-Sills
Cherionna Menzam Sills, PhD began teaching Embodied Embryology through somatic movement in 1997 as part of her doctoral studies in Pre- & Perinatal Psychology, which led to her teaching at Naropa University and the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. She has taught and facilitated Pre- and Perinatal Psychology/Therapy, Continuum, a mindful movement practice, and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy globally, often with her husband, Biodynamics pioneer Franklyn Sills.

Develop your professional skills ?

Cherionna will guide you in settling in compassionate, heart-centered, mindful presence, introduce important aspects of pre- and perinatal experience that may affect our hearts, and support you in meeting and holding the little one within you, which can enable meeting babies, and clients in a little one state, with presence, deep listening, and respect.
This course will invite the learner to:
  • Practice listening from a mindful, resourced state of resting in the heart
  • Develop awareness and understanding regarding basic needs of little ones, how they can be met and how they often aren’t
  • Augment awareness of the inner little one and how to meet and hold them
  • Learn about specific tendencies, personality, relational and behavioral patterns that may express pre- and perinatal wounding
  • Enhance awareness of how babies tell their birth stories and how to receive them in healing ways
  • Appreciate the concept of original potential and the possibility of experiencing it
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watch full introduction here


Free Introduction

In this introduction, Cherionna will discuss the themes of the course.
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Class one

Meeting Little One’s Basic Needs of Being

In our first webinar of this trilogy we will:

  • Foster an intention of meeting the little one in ourselves, which enables us to meet babies with presence, deep listening, respect
  • Provide an Introduction to Frank Lakes’ Basic Needs of Being
  • Practice resting in the heart with an intention of unconditional acceptance
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Class two

Listening From The Heart

For our second session together we will:

  • Explore what the little one carries.
  • Find the Trauma and Potential in the little one’s heart
  • Look into memories from birth, the womb, conception and before
  • Practice sensing, listening to and meeting the little one within
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Class Three

Meeting Little Ones From the Heart Before, During and After Birth

This final webinar will combine the elements of the first two webinars to:
  • Practice resting in and listening from the heart
  • Understand the Little ones’ needs for slow pacing in relation to their immature nervous system and adapting to novelty
  • Practice slowing down, self-regulating in relation to early trauma
  • Recognise and respond to the language of babies including expression of their prenatal and birth stories
  • Practice resting in original potential


One of payment
Includes :
  • Access to course
  • Life long access to recordings

course & Gold Membership

Billed annually
Includes :
  • access to course
  • lifelong access to recordings
  • Access to all our Live and Recorded classes for 1 year
  • Access to All Monthly Support Groups with Karlton Terry and Mia Kalef for 1 year
  • 20% discount on all other courses