in depth course

Discovery and meeting the little one's heart

Welcome, trauma and healing

With Cherionna Menzam-Sills

The moment of discovery of a pregnancy is momentous not only for the parents but also for the baby.
Profoundly sentient even at this very early stage of development, the little embryo senses, responds and remembers the environment it grows in, as is true for any cell or organism.

At the time of discovery, usually coinciding with the heart forming and beginning to beat, the little one is completely dependent on the parents’ welcome and protection for survival.

Cherionna Menzam-Sills

Cherionna, PhD began teaching Embodied Embryology through somatic movement in 1997 as part of her doctoral studies in Pre- & Perinatal Psychology, which led to her teaching at Naropa University and the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute.

She has authored two books, The Breath of Life: An Introduction Craniosacral Biodynamics and Spirit into Form: Exploring Embryological Potential and Prenatal Psychology.

Develop your professional skills ?

Cherionna guides you in practices to facilitate this healing, as well as supporting parents-to-be in welcoming their child at discovery.
Participants will:

  • Practice listening mindfully from the heart
  • Develop skill in being with potentially activating material relating to prenatal trauma
  • Learn about the embryological developmental milestone called “discovery,” referring to when pregnancy is discovered/confirmed
  • Enhance awareness of embryonic sentience and potential trauma at the time of discovery
  • Practice essential skills for recognizing and facilitating resolution of discovery trauma
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Free Introduction

In this introduction, Cherionna will discuss the themes of the course
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Class one

Heart to Heart: Welcoming the Little One

  • Settling and meeting the little one in ourselves enables us to meet babies with presence, deep listening, respect
  • Our basic need from the very beginning for love, to have our love received, to experience connection
  • Practice resting in the heart with an intention of unconditional acceptance and welcomes
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Class two

Discovery: We’re Pregnant!

  • Discovery as potentially a time of deepening connection, bonding and welcome
  • Discovery trauma – how it occurs, how it continues throughout life
  • Accessing healing potential in relation to discovery
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Class Three

The Heart of the Embryo

  • Heart Ignition and Embryological Folding
  • The huge heart of the embryo
  • Heart coherence, co-regulation and connection as a potentially healing way of being with little ones, ourselves, each other and our larger collective


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Includes :
  • Access to course
  • Life long access to recordings

course & Gold Membership

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Includes :
  • access to course
  • lifelong access to recordings
  • Access to all our Live and Recorded classes for 1 year
  • Access to All Monthly Support Groups with Karlton Terry and Mia Kalef for 1 year
  • 20% discount on all other courses