live workshop


in three trimesters

with Mary Bolingbroke

Our journey from spirit, into mind, into body through our intra-uterine relationships

Our journey from conception to birth is a journey from the lightness of Spirit into the physicality of the flesh. Through each of the three trimesters we gradually increase our physical density until eventually being delivered from the buoyancy of fluid into air and gravity.

Each trimester allows us to explore and ‘download’ our spiritual, emotional and physical self through different relationships.  The first relationship is with our placenta, the second is with our parents, especially our mother, and the third is with our world. We emerge complete with movement patterns, reflexes and ancestral, familial and epigenetic
codings, ready for the road ahead.
This workshop delves into the journey from spirit, into mind, into body through our intra-uterine relationships of the three trimesters. Lectures, meditations and exercise instructions are designed to let you experience prenatal relationships.

Please note
, this workshop was a live event with breakout rooms for work in pairs. It is recommended to have a partner for the exercises. The time required to go through the recorded material and the exercises is about three hours.
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Mary Bolingbroke is an ostheopath of more than 30 years. She works with people at all stages of life from the yet to be born, to infants, children, adults and the dying.
Why this course?
  • Entry/intermediate level
  • Slideshow Presentations
  • Experiential
  • Practical Exercises
  • Q and A with presenter
  • Three 60 minute sessions
  • Life long access to recordings

who can this benefit

  • anyone interested in exploring their own intra-uterine life
  • This workshop is suitable for interested individuals, professionals working with mums and children as well as for parents

learning outcomes

  • learn about epigenetic and ancestral influences
  • gain an insight into the bi-directional relationship between placenta and baby, mother and baby, environment and baby
  • discover the innate wisdom of our unerring blueprint for health

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  • Access to live course
  • Life  long access to recordings

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